
– Specialista in Ortopedia e Traumatologia
– Specialista in Chirurgia del ginocchio con importante casistica di interventi di chirurgia protesica, legamentosa ed artroscopica.
Come relatore partecipa ai maggiori congressi nazionali ed internazionali sulla chirurgia del ginocchio.”

Since 2013 she is working as a knee surgeon at the University Hospital of Ghent. She is working on a PhD project related to bicruciate sparing knee replacements.”

Research area: All aspects of the Fast Track pathway Active research in total knee arthroplasty surgical technique and planning. High volume center for knee revision arthroplasty procedures.
PhD degree in musculoskeletal pathology with a thesis on finite element analysis in meniscal bearing knee. Research Fellowship with Dr Insall at ISK Institute and a Clinical fellowship at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.
Former President of the European Knee Society and actually serves EKS as Board member. He published more than 60 peer revied papers and book chapters. Reviewer for several international orthopaedics journals. He lectures every month in national and international meetings.”

1995-2002 LMU Munich
2002-2004 Department of orthopaedic surgery, University of Regensburg
2004-2006 Department for Orthopaedic Surgery and Surgery of the Extremities, Bürgerspital Solothurn, Switzerland
2006-2012 Department of orthopaedic surgery, University of Regensburg
2012-2014 Head of Department for Endoprosthetics and foot surgery Sportklinik Stuttgart
Senior consultant/ Chief physician/ Head of Clinic:
2015-2022 Department for Endoprosthetics and foot surgery, Sportklinik Stuttgart
Since 2022 Clinic for Orthopaedic an Trauma Surgery, Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder München

Main interest: knee and hip prosthetic replacement, primary and revision. President in charge of the SIdA (Società Italiana dell’anca).”

He performs over 600 joint replacements a year and has a strong research interest in total knee replacement. His focus is the post traumatic total knee replacement as well as fast track surgery and blood management in TKA.
He has authored over 150 peer reviewed papers and over 20 book chapters.

2006-2012 Orthopedic Training @ Dept. for Orthopedic Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Annastift Hospital Prof. Windhagen and Dept. for Trauma Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Prof. Krettek
2012 AFOR Followship, Orthopedic Dept., AKH Wien, Prof. Windhager
2012-2018 Consultant, Dept. Orthop. Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Annastift Hospital, Team-Leader Oncologic Surgery and Knee Arthroplasty Research
2017 Assistant Professor for Orthopedic Surgery @ Hannover Medical School
since 2018 articon Spezialpraxis für Gelenkchirurgie, Bern
Membership: EKS, DGOOC, ESSKA, AE

subspecialized in knee and hip arthroplasty and revision surgery
roboticarm assisted surgery since 2018

In 2005 he was appointed Professor of Orthopaedics at Imperial College, where he built up the MSk lab, a group of 34 surgeons, scientists and engineers, from 14 different countries. In 2015, a grateful patient donated £40m towards the 12 storey £120m Biomedical Engineering Hub on the White City campus.”

Past President BASK
Author on > 150 papers

Additionally, he got worldwide reputation by organizing and chairing together with Dr. Javad Parvizi the International Consensus Conference on Periprosthetic Joint Infections (PJI) in Philadelphia in 2013 and the International Consensus Meeting (ICM) in 2018. In 2020 he was the co-author of the Consensus Group about resuming elective surgery after COVID 19.
In 2021 together with Dr. Parvizi he organized the VTE Consensus Meeting
Thorsten Gehrke is a visiting Professor in numerous Universities, like Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Shanghai.

His main research interests are fast-track and outpatient arthroplasty, patient reported outcomes, implant selection in total knee and hip arthroplasty and pathway optimisation. He has published >90 papers on those topics.”

He fulfilled clinical fellowships in Paris (Philippe Cartier) and at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York. He now operates at the Red Cross Hospital in Frankfurt, Germany. His clinical focus is arthroplasty and arthroscopy to knee and hip, with special interest for partial knee replacement.
Dr. Heyse has published over 100 manuscripts in international peer reviewed orthopaedic journals. He is Editor-in-Chief to the journal of Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (IF 3.0). Dr. Heyse is fluent in German, English, French, Dutch and Spanish.”

Professor Orthopedic Surgery
Head joint reconstruction team Stolzalpe 1999-2011
Director knee training centre at Stolzalpe since 2000
Director of ECOT in Iraq since 2011
Specific areas of research interest:
joint reconstruction and joint preserving surgery knee, computer assisted surgery, failure analysis & revision surgery TKA, biomechanics
Several national and international awards
More than 150 international publications and book chapters”

Specialist Knee Surgeon at The Yorkshire Knee Clinic (Harrogate and Leeds)
Visiting Professor to Leeds Beckett University School of Sport
Nick London is an expert knee surgeon with more than 25 years’ experience in sports injuries, knee arthritis and knee replacement surgery. He has a particular interest in managing young, active patients living with arthritis and his experience with partial knee resurfacing (ligament-preserving replacement surgery) is unparalleled in the region (more than 2,500 cases). He has extensive teaching, training, research and development commitments.”

Head of the Knee Unit in ‘Orthopedie Roeselare’
AZ Delta hospital
Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Leuven
2011-2015 Doctoral thesis in Biomedical Sciences
Titel: The Tibio-Femoral Joint Line: What is the biomechanical and clinical impact of surgical modifications?
Papers in Peer reviewed Journals
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5440-6132)
T Luyckx, J Victor (2012) ‘Alignment and biomechanics’: a surgeon’s perspective.
In: Thienpont E (ed) Improving Accuracy in Knee Arthroplasty, 1st edn. Ajanta, New Dehli, pp 85-94
Mid-Flexion Instability After Total Knee Arthroplasty.
J Victor, T Luyckx
In: Insall and Scott (ed) Surgery of the knee, 6th edn., chapter 154”

Visiting Professor at the Catholic University of Leuven
2011-2015 Doctoral thesis in Biomedical Sciences
Titel: The Tibio-Femoral Joint Line: What is the biomechanical and clinical impact of surgical modifications?
Papers in Peer reviewed Journals
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5440-6132)
T Luyckx, J Victor (2012) ‘Alignment and biomechanics’: a surgeon’s perspective.
In: Thienpont E (ed) Improving Accuracy in Knee Arthroplasty, 1st edn. Ajanta, New Dehli, pp 85-94
Mid-Flexion Instability After Total Knee Arthroplasty.
J Victor, T Luyckx
In: Insall and Scott (ed) Surgery of the knee, 6th edn., chapter 154″

Chairman Expert Panel Orthopedics Trauma Rehabilitation Rheumatology under the MDR (EU commission, EMA, 2021). His research relates to “optimising clinical outcome” and “prediction modelling of outcome”. He published over 450 peer-reviewed articles, with focus on healthcare evaluation and prognostic modelling and optimizing outcome in arthroplasty patients.

In 2011, through the University of Oxford Recognition of Distinction exercise, he was made a Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at NDORMS. His clinical work as a Consultant Knee Surgeon is based at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, where he has recently been appointed to Clinical Director T&O. His research is based in NDORMS at the Botnar Centre, where he Leads the Knee Research Group.”

I have been doing knee surgery for the past 38 years and am the Managing Trustee Of the Indian Society of Hip and Knee surgeons..”

He is an active member of the European and American Knee Society. His research is focused on Surgical Techniques of Knee Arthroplasty, OutPatient Knee Arthroplasty , Functional Ligament Balancing , and Robotic Applications.”

He is Director at the University Structure of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Mauriziano Umberto I Hospital in Turin. Juventus Football Club
Orthopedic Consultant .”

2005 – 2007 Orthopaedic Surgery Fellow, Uniklinik Balgrist, Zurich
2007 Travel Fellowship Knee Surgery:
Chitranjan S. Ranawat, M.D, New York, Thomas P. Sculco, M.D, New York, Robert E. Booth Jr., M.D, Philadelphia, USA
2007 – 2011 Junior Consultant, Hip and Knee Surgery, Schulthess Klinik, Zurich
2011- Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hirslanden Klinik
Membership, Position:
European Knee Society (EKS)
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (SGO)
Fachgruppe Knie der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (EGK)
International Society of Orthopaedic Centers, Alumni (ISOC)
Hospital for Special Surgery Alumni Association, International Ambassador”

Knee fellowships in Dublin and Louvain ( 2004-2005, Dr. R. Moran and Prof. Dr. J. Bellemans )
Consutant Orthopedic Surgeon since 2006 in GZA Hospitals, Antwerp and AZ voorkempen, Malle
Expertise from meniscus to revision
Special interest in Fast-track surgery, bi-UKA, custommade TKA, 3D-planning and revision”

In the past years, Anders Troelsen cooperated on publishing 200 peer-reviewed articles in national and international journals. The primary research focus has been to improve the treatment outcomes for patients with knee and hip OA and subsequent replacement surgery including unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.”

She received the degree of Doctor of Biomedical Sciences (PhD) at the KULeuven, with a project entitled “The patellofemoral joint; kinematic and biomechanical behaviour and its clinical application to knee arthroplasty”.
She has a full–time clinical activity and combines this with a teaching task in the Faculty of Medicine and research.”

His group has extensive expertise on computer modeling of the human musculoskeletal system, bones and the functioning of orthopaedic implants.”

PhD Medical Sciences 2009
2011- today: full professor Orthopedics at Ghent University, Head of department orthopedics and traumatology UZ Ghent”